thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Is it old age?

Isn't tea a wonderful treat? ~mmm~ There are so many choices in tea these days, I don't know what to buy when I'm looking for something new. I'm having Jumbleberry tonight! It smells so good...

I've been missing blogging due to an exam this Friday ~ not that I've been overly studying but I feel so guilty to sit at the computer to write. But I do sneak to see if any of my "favorite bloggers" have blogged while I'm away.

Just when we thought "Spring had sprung" here in S'toon ~ we got another storm today... ~ugh~ It is all in the Lord's hands! Cliff & I looked at barbeques today at Walmart and by the time we came out... there was snow everywhere! When can we get out the barbeque ~ Cliffton shovelled off the deck so we were ready, really we were...

We went home to have supper before midweek service ~ just steak in the pan, cooked slow to give it a wonderful texture with julienne peppers & onions, sweet potato and I baked a potato for me... I had a craving that just wouldn't quit! ~mmm~

And now I'm going to have my tea and 3 digestive cookies ~ is that a sign of age?

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