thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm gaining some ground...

And shedding some pounds ~ 2 to be exact! I know it doesn't seem like much but if I don't see something, I may give up... So, I'm looking and counting every lb lost!

I've been trying to refuse more and more treats even when I'm alone and they are the tough times... REALLY!

And I got Maisy to keep me faithful in walking ~ when she was real young, she wouldn't go very far and I was really getting discouraged, so I bought a mini trampoline at Walmart for $29.99. I bounce, jump, and do random exercise on it for about 30-45 mins. Maisy is growing now ~ and on nice days, I can take her farther but then there are those cold ones...

Yes, I thought of that ~ a sweater!

Since Maisy doesn't have a lot of fur I bought her a sweater... yeah, she just looked at me as if to say "everyone will make fun of me, I'm gonna be the laughing stock of all of Woodstock".

I'm glad I didn't pay too much for the sweater ~ you know I priced a hockey jacket at the pet store and it was $100 plus applicable taxes? and a Roots sweater marked down to $56 plus taxes.

I'm glad I have my trusty trampoline (which Kash likes too).. ~wink~

So ~ stay tuned, I'd like to lose a few pounds but 2-5 is nice for now! It's encouraging, REALLY!

***Here is what I'm trying to remember ~ Over indulging is a sin just like gossip, lying, stealing... Shall I go on?***

1 comment:

sara said...

Great job, Kim!!!! 2 lbs is great. Now I want to see Maisy in the sweater!