thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Someone has found me on

And shared these pics with me ~ Ernie used to babysit my brothers, sister and I... Also, he was the owner of one of the only cameras in the neighborhood. He said he collected, saved and cashed in bottles to keep up his love for photography.
The girl in the background is me and my little brother, Daryl. This area will get flooded as our neighborhood rink ~ it was great!
This is my bestest buddy Diane Gower ~ we went to kindergarten hand in hand everyday and then we started grade one but were separated into different classes but looked for one another every recess until that day in October when our family moved away from the South End to the Rifle Range in the North End of Saint John...

Here we are with some other children in the neighborhood...

And more...

This is me in the background with my famous fur cape ~ a story of it's own! The two children standing close? My sister, Lisa and brother, Keith...

This is Keith, my brother with a neighbor boy.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Looks like we;re moving closer to home....

My Father in heaven knows what's best for us...
Ahhhhh, the Maritimes!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I really do like winter...

I like all the winter stuff we Canadians like to do in that season ~ like snowblading, sliding, walks in the woods to see snow hanging on the branches of huge evergreens, snowmobiling, snuggling a cup of tea while it storms outside, etc. I'm more Canadian than I ever thought I was...

It's our intention/prayer to go to the US for work and a life experience but the closer it gets, the more I look forward to going closer to home... The Maritimes have hills, which are good for a few of those winter activities that I spoke of earlier too.