thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Monday, January 22, 2007

My first time driving in Saskatoon...

~yikes~ I drove Cliffton to work this morning. I drove 5.9km from the hospital. It was great and scarey all at the same time! If Cliff can't find parking, I'll have to continue. He had an awesome day today ~ he says information overload. I can tell he's excited. He hasn't been in that element since mid Dec 2006.

Maybe I'll get brave enough to venture to one of the many malls here and yes, get my hair done! ~yippee~ What a great idea! Now to find a hairdresser who really knows how to work a hairdryer ~ that's the ticket, you know! ~wink~


gailsgarden said...

You are brave! That's the only way to learn a new it! I wanted to be the first one to comment on your blog, but it didn't work. I seem to have issues with blogger, but I am thankful for it. Where would we be without it? So Ann was first and that is great. Have you read her "Faith Promise Dating?" Be sure to read the comment (hope that one worked, I'll have to check). Love y'all!

sara said...

Hey Kim!! I saw your comment on my blog but didn't realize it was you...My Mom told me...I just didn't know you had moved!!! It will be very fun to keep in touch this way!!! I CANNOT believe how grown up Kasha and Lance are...they are VERY CUTE!!!!

I will have to go back and read about what you all are up to!