thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Friday, March 28, 2008

I want to thank Kari...

She has encouraged me to go back to the gym and it's not easy at 40 something...

The class that I attend is called Cardio Kickbox and I can keep up, though I feel like I'm on death's door step at the time...

I am so glad when I have finished another night!

I'm very sore in a few spots tonight as a result of last nights workout ~ but it's that real good sore feeling, you know the one I mean! ;)

So thanks, Kari
I haven't missed one class since I started and that has been a struggle in itself...

Nothing good comes easy, though...
***my kicks are really improving too***


gailsgarden said...

that's what Julie J did and she looks SO GOOD!

tacky said...

I am glad to be an encourager to others...lately, it has been easier said than done for me...everyone else comes first lately...I don't know if that is an excuse or explanation?! sigh