thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

♪♪ Passion for Thee ♪♪

♪♪ Kasha playing "a passion for thee" with Bro Ben Everson. She loves to play with others and her family loves to listen! ♪♪


tacky said...

This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing Kasha's talent with us...what a wonderful gift! Kari

gailsgarden said...

Beautiful...and I love the pic of little Kasha! It reminds me of when she stayed overnight at the farm with us!

tacky said...

What a blessing!!! We sang that song in church last
Wed. night. Didn't Kasha take piano lessons when we were in SJ?
C. Turbett