thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Well, I got out my sewing machine and decided to finally get to putting something together for the windows...
that was 3 days ago.
And yeah, I got one done ~ see?

Here's how I'm feeling after 3 days ~ did I mention, I'm NOT a seamstress?
Yes, is a huge struggle for me. I don't use pins, patterns, etc. I usually try to buy something with lines and use them as a guide!
But this looks good ~ just don't let an accomplished seamstress look too close...

Here they are!

There is a 3rd window but I'm not that happy with it, yet; the topper seems a bit large for the size of the window.

I'll show that one another day!


1 comment:

Jenn Basham said...

I think they look really cute Kim. Way better than I could do :-D