thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Facing the Giants...

Well, I finally saw the movie, "Facing the Giants" ~ it looked bleak for a while... Not the movie, but my finding it! I thought I was going to Walmart and not just picking up a copy but buying 2 more copies for some special people in my life that I've been praying for... But to my amazement, I couldn't find it anywhere!

Finally, I said to my husband, "let's go try to rent it". We did and I have to tell you about how that went...

First, we searched the "previously viewed" section for a copy on sale. When I asked the sales lady about it, she told me (on the way to where it was displayed), that they only bought 8 copies and it's still renting well, so selling for preciously viewed would be a little while yet! When we reached the movie, she looks at me funny and in a low voice asks, "what have you heard of this movie?". I tell her, "Oh, I've heard great things about it!". Her voice gets even lower and she looks around before saying, "it's reeeeeally religious!" and I smile and say, "that's great ~ I'm a born again Christian!"... She smiles, awkwardly and says, "you'll love it then...". I thought it was funny the way she looked around, lowers her voice like she was going to tell me some huge, news breaking, facts... ~wink~

Now, for the movie ~ I thought it was wonderful... for us Christians! I hope that it empowers me to look for and see the giants in my life and deal with them. I recognized a few already, long before seeing the movie, but was never challenged to deal with them ~ the Lord has used the movie to give me that gentle, but loving shove to go on in "the face of the giants" for Him and in His power. And with His help, I'm going to!

I do feel bad for those that have "no hope" Recently, I was confronted by someone and I can now see where I would be had I not trusted Christ as my personal Savior. I'm so thankful to have the hope that the Lord has put me here for a reason ~ to bring glory to Him! That is my whole purpose ~ but I have something to live for, when so many others are just doing time, always wondering "why am I here, what is my purpose in this life, is there a plan some place written down, etc?"... Oh, those days are so fresh and yet so far away.

Lord, help me, not to look down on those that are still lost, help me to praise you for your grace in reaching down and lifting me out of the mire. Help me to tell them about your plan for us. It is written down in your word, the bible. Also, to continuously pray for them, that they see their need for you!

My huge giant is telling (in a loving way) others about my Savior!


gailsgarden said...

That was great, Kim! Facing the Giants was a huge challenge to us and our church, but I think it could point the unsaved to the Lord too. We watched it again when Judy B. was visiting. She is planning to buy it!

gailsgarden said...

That was great, Kim! Facing the Giants was a huge challenge to us and our church, but I think it could point the unsaved to the Lord too. We watched it again when Judy B. was visiting. She is planning to buy it!