thou at times my heart would break...

thou at times my heart would break...
♪♪ there's a purpose in every change He makes ~ God makes no mistakes ♪♪

God’s Bridge to Eternal Life...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Six~Week Wogging Plan...

Afraid some may not be able to see how easy this plan is ~ so thought I'd rewrite it!

If you regularly walk about 30 mins most days of the week, you are ready to start wogging. (check with your Dr to be sure) Try the workouts below, 3 or 4 times a week. On the days you don’t wog, either rest or do another activity, such as biking, swimming or weight training.

Week 1 ~ walk 4 mins, jog 2 mins. Repeat 3 times (total: 24 mins)

Week 2 ~ walk 3 mins, jog 3 mins. Repeat 4 times (total: 30 mins)

Week 3 ~ walk 2.5 mins, jog 5 mins. Repeat 3 times (total: 30 mins)

Week 4 ~ walk 3 mins, jog 7 mins. Repeat 2 times (total: 30 mins)

Week 5 ~ walk 2 mins, jog 8 mins. Repeat 2 times (total: 30 mins)

Week 6 ~ walk 2 mins, jog 9 mins. Repeat 2 times (total: 33 mins)

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